Wisdom Bytes: Love of Self

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Short wisdom bytes video.

We must realize that the love of self has brought death to us all. In Genesis Chapter 2 verse 7 God formed man of the dust of the ground, breathed into his nostrils and he became a living soul. In Genesis Chapter 2 verse 18 God said that it is not good for man to be alone, I will make him a helpmate. In Genesis Chapter 2 verses 21-25 God placed man to sleep, took a rib from man and made a woman. Adam said this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh and he called her “woman”. Adam cleaved unto his wife and they became one flesh. Adam loved his wife more than God because he disobeyed the command of God by eating of the fruit that his wife brought to him when he knew what God said. So Adam turned his back on God to please his wife. Now we must realize that Adam did not just please his wife but he pleased himself. Adam put himself before God, he put pleasing himself before pleasing God. In fact by his actions he loved himself more than he loved God because Genesis Chapter 2 verse 24 states that Adam and his wife were one flesh, so when he pleased his wife or loved his wife, he pleased and loved himself more than God. Love of self was placed before God and sin came into the world.