Wisdom Bytes: Relationships

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Short wisdom bytes video.

It has been said that when we are looking for someone to have a relationship with us or when we are looking for a husband or a wife, we must find someone who is compatible with us or we must be compatible with each other. In Genesis Chapter 2 verse 7 God formed man and in Genesis Chapter 2 verse 18 God decided to make a helpmate for him because he saw it was not good for man to be alone. In Genesis 2:20 the word of God says that for Adam there was not found a helpmate. So in this case God made someone who was compatible to man, God made a woman. In Genesis Chapter 2 verse 22 when God took the rib from the man and made the woman he brought the woman to the man. In Genesis Chapter 2 verse 23 Adam realized that the woman God brought to him was compatible to him physically because they were both human. He said "she is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh" and she shall be called woman. But their relationship was not only about compatibility because compatibility was the first level of the relationship. The relationship was deeper. God made the woman to bring balance to the man and also the man to bring balance to the woman. This was the purpose of the relationship. Everything the man did not have within him , was placed within the woman for him. And everything the woman did not have within her, was placed within the man for her. This is why Genesis Chapter 2 verse 24 says that the two shall be one flesh. So we must look beyond compatibility when seeking a relationship, we must look for someone who will bring balance to us and the relationship, so that we can cleave to each other and become one flesh.