Wisdom Bytes: Finding your answers within

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Short wisdom bytes video.

At times when situations arise in our lives we tend to look for answers from our friends, families and counsellors, when most of the time we do not have to look far. All we need to do is look within us to find the wisdom of God to apply in our situations. In Luke Chapter 16 verses 1 -8, a steward was called to give an account of his stewardship because he was accused of wasting a rich man’s goods. We realize that this man began to speak and think and question himself and said “What shall I do, for my Lord taketh a way from me the stewardship?”; he said “ I cannot dig to beg, I am ashamed.” In Luke Chapter 16 verse 4 this steward realized that his situation was difficult and he needed an answer so he continued to speak to himself and said “I am resolved what to do, that when I am put out they may receive me into their houses.” So we realize that this steward did not call his friends, nor his pastor or spend time speaking to his wife but all he did was speak to himself which caused him to look within himself and he found the wisdom of God to apply in his life to solve his situation. And the scripture records that when the Lord saw what the unjust steward did the Lord commended him because he had done wisely. The wisdom of God can be found within us to apply in every aspect of our lives, to take us out of our situations and help us make better decisions to govern our everyday lives..................
 Get wisdom, it is the principal thing.