Wisdom Bytes: Creating Mental Blocks

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Short wisdom bytes video.

Luke Chapter 16 verses 1-4 speaks about a certain rich man who has a steward who wasted his goods and was called to give an account. We realize that this steward was very negligent in his handling of the rich man’s goods. He created his own problem by not being diligent in his stewardship. When he realized that due to his negligence, the rich man intended to take his stewardship away from him, he began to speak to himself and say “What shall I do for my Lord taketh away the stewardship from me?”. In answering this question he found the solutions to his situation. We need to understand that the words we speak to ourselves will determine whether we stay in our situations or we get out of them. What we speak to ourselves can create mental blocks and prevent us from thinking and seeing the solution that is right in front of us. When we begin to say “I don’t know what to do” or when our words begin with “ I do not know” when we are looking for solutions for our situations, we create mental blocks in our lives. Most of the time, our problems are created by us but when we begin to speak to ourselves and say “What can I do?” when we encounter situations we will find the solutions just like the steward did when he said “ What shall I do?”