Wisdom Bytes: What do you have in your house?
Short wisdom bytes video.
We need to understand that our house is one of the most important things in our lives. Whether your house is built with wood or concrete or it is your physical body which is built by God. When we begin to look within ourselves which is our house we find the gifts that God has placed within us and the tools placed within our physical house that can be used to get ourselves out of financial situations. Second Kings Chapter 4 verses 1-7 speaks about a certain wife of a Prophet who said to Elijah that my husband is dead and the creditor has come to take my two sons to be bond men. And Elijah asked her “What do you have in your house?”. She answered “A small pot of oil”. We realize Elijah never told her to go to work or get an education, he did not tell her to look out but made her look within to see what she had in her house that could get her out of her financial situation. And all she had was a pot of oil. At times the things we think that are insignificant in our houses, the small things we take for granted, these are the things that God will use to get us out of our financial situation. We all have gifts that God has placed within us, that can be used to get us out of our financial situation. When we begin to look within our house, the house we live in and our body we will begin to see the gifts that can be used to help us. And so as the widow followed the instructions given to her by Elijah, the pot of oil became a business and she was able to pay her debt and live on the rest with her children.